Below are the free online resources available
Interdisciplinary E-resources
5. Shabdkosh
6. Directory of Open Access Books
8. M.K. Gandhi Heritage Portal
10. National Digital Library of India
11. Wikipedia
12. Culture Heritage Digital Library
13. The Indian Journal of Research [ANVIKSHIKI]
15. धर्मानंद कोसंबी समग्र साहित्य
१६. Rupkatha: Journal On Interdisciplinary Studies In Humanities
17. esahitya ई पुस्तके ! मस्त पुस्तके !! इझी पुस्तके! छान मराठी पुस्तके ! उत्तम मराठी ई बुक्स !!
1. Indian Academy of Sciences [All Journals]
2. Economic and Political Weekly
4. NISCAIR Online periodical repository
५. हिंदी नियत पत्रिका : १. डी यु विधा [दिल्ली विश्व विद्यालय पत्रिका ] २. २. शोध संचयन
६. English:- 1.The Criterion: An International Journal in English 2. The Complete Works of William Shakespeare
7. Psychology : Indian Journal Of Psychiatry
8. Library & Information Science : 1. ज्ञानगंगोत्री [ YCMOU] 2. Online Dictionary for Library and Information Science
3. Information & Library Science Research Network
9. Social Science Research Network
10. Economics & Commerce : 1.The Journal of Economic Education 2. Research Papers in Economics [RePEc] 3. RBI Bulletin
11. Social Science Information Gateway [SOSIG]
12. Social Science Research Network [SSRN]
13. OAPEN Library
14. OAPEN Library